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Image by George Pagan III


  • Writer's pictureIDA UK

IDA-UK Southwest Meet 2023!

We sincerely appreciate Dr Amit Sharma & Dr Smita Sah Sharma for masterfully steering the IDA-UK Southwest Meet in Bournemouth yesterday. A resounding applause for Dr Amit Sharma, Dr Ashish Godara, Dr Siddharth Wandrekar, and the South West Team for their unwavering commitment and exemplary delivery. We're grateful to our esteemed speakers, Dr. Velupillai Ilankovan and Dr. Girish Babu. Our heartfelt thanks to all the attendees who contributed to the event's success.

Additionally, thanks to Haleon for their generous sponsorship.

We're brimming with excitement for the upcoming regional events in Yorkshire and NorthEast on October 14th, as well as the Annual Conference on November 4th in London.

Thank you 🙏

Team IDA-UK.


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